Home office security in Urmston is just as obligated to protect clients’ personal information as large corporations. You must have security in place on your computers to prevent electronic identity theft. But likely you have paper files as well and you like to clean those out regularly. Do you throw them in the trash bin, dump tea bags and coffee grounds on top and hope the documents don’t end up in the wrong hands? There have been laws on the books since the 1960’s making dumpster diving, skip diving, totting illegal. The laws are somewhat vague and not always enforced. The result is theft from skips is common, no matter how gross. For some it’s a regular activity; often a group activity.
Clearly you need a solution for the safe disposal of clients’ data in your home office. In Urmston, home office security may be your shredder. If so, you should know that a bag of shredded paper in the skip is a great find for thieves. You need something better and we believe our company has the safest and simplest solution; Shred Sacks. Order our shred sacks on our secure website and they will arrive with a security tag attached. Fill the bag to the fill line and seal it off with the attached tag. Call us and a security screened staff member will arrive to collect your shred sack and place it in our secure collection truck. The truck is monitored as it transports your shred sack to our shredding facility.
Your home office security in Urmston is enhanced with shred sacks because once your bag is en route to our recycling facility, it’s never touched again. Your documents along with the bag go into the shredder without ever being opened. Your security tag is matched to your original order and you’ll receive an email containing a certificate of disposal. Contact Ministry of Shred when you need to clear out your home office. The statistics confirm the importance of security. The UK economy is impacted by ID fraud costing £3 billion each year and over 100,000 people a year fall victim to ID fraud. Don’t let that happen to you or your clients. Once shredded, the paper is recycled and used for the manufacture of new products.