Your home office security in Wilmslow is just as important as your bank and credit card company security. You have important client information filed in that cabinet. You know what else I bet you have filed in your home office? A bunch of old copies of your kids’ birth certificates they used for school, camps, school trips and more. There may be copies of sports physicals, yearly doctor visits and treatments. You may have the originals safely locked away in a bank lock box or home safe and that’s good. But you have copies of those documents so there is enough information for criminals to steal their identity. If the kids are young enough, the theft could go unnoticed for years.
What about your and your spouse’s data like old insurance policies, medical bills, tax returns and bank statements? In Wilmslow, home office security is important even if your office only contains personal family information. If you work from home and have business files you’ve probably never purged them. So often, when the business deal is done, all you really need to keep is contact information for that client. If you want to keep the contracts as well, at least redact them of all but name and terms of contract. Your home office is vulnerable. How many people know you work from home? Chances are, your house is easier to break into than your local bank.
Ministry of Shred has the solution for your home office security in Wilmslow. Contact us or go online to our website and order our special document disposal bags. When they arrive, stuff all the old files, superfluous documents and sensitive data information into the bags. When they’re full, call us and one of our uniformed and background checked couriers will stop by to pick up your bags. You will have sealed them with an identification number. Our courier locks the bags in the specially equipped van and backs it right up to our massive shredder at our facility. The number tag is removed and documented as yours; the unopened bag goes into the shredder; and you get a certificate of destruction in the mail. How easy is that?