Secure document shredding in Oldham is absolutely necessary if you want to avoid identity fraud. People who do this are capable of creating havoc with your credit cards and your personal life. Think of your office documents, your medical bills, your credit card statements, your utility bills – they all have your name on them and where you live. Some of them have even more confidential information on them. When you think that ID fraud costs the UK economy £3billion every year, you have to consider what it will cost you too. Speak to us about an effective and secure method of destroying your old, unused documents.
When it is time to get rid of your documents, we have high capacity shredding machines that can shred your sack and its contents in seconds. In Oldham, secure document shredding is a service we provide. We have different size shred sacks and our strong recyclable 20kg sack is a popular size sack. It can hold up to 20kg, comes flat-packed and opens out to 480mm X 640mm X 140mm. Our security bags are available with strong security tags made from recycled plastic. There’s no need to remove them when we collect your sacks as they are recycled with the paper sack. The tag has a unique identity number which is used to monitor the sack and its destruction. You’re than provided with a Certificate of Destruction.
Secure document shredding in Oldham is always done with safety in mind. We will send you our security sacks after you place an order for them. Once you receive the shred sack, all you need to do is fill the sack with the documents that are ready for destruction. Once the bag is full, it can be securely closed with the security tag. A security-screened staff member with identification will collect it at a time that is most convenient to you. Your bag is transported in monitored trucks, taken to our shredding facilities and totally destroyed so that every trace of your confidential information is shredded and destroyed, according to strict guidelines.Contact us today.