Before you call us, if you could be ready with the following information, it would help us to process your collection quickly and accurately.
  1. Your unique TAG ID, or order reference number (you will only have this if you have already bought your bag and collection package through us directly)
  2. Your contact details including a daytime telephone number
  3. Number of sacks to collect
  4. Whereabouts your Ministry sack is situated
  5. If yo ur road is wide enough for our collection lorry (at least 4 metres)
  6. If you think there might be any other access issues
Once your sack is ready for collection simply call our office on 07969 873097 and we will schedule the collection date with you.

Request a collection

    Your Name (required):

    Phone Number (required):

    Your Email (required):

    Tag / order number:

    Your Message:

    Preferred time: MorningAfternoon

    Preferred time: MONTUEWEDTHRFRISAT